11 08, 2014

What Is Omnichannel Customer Service?

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00August 11th, 2014|

Customer service is all about listening to your customers; however, as more channels of customer service communication become available, listening becomes more difficult. Customers rarely recognize different customer service channels. In some cases, customers choose to initiate contact with an organization by phone or social media. Then, the same customer may continue the conversation by email or online chat. The lines between these separate customer service channels are blurred [...]

21 05, 2014

Vanilla Ice’s 3 Rules For Social Media Customer Service

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00May 21st, 2014|

We really hope anyone reading this blog post about social media customer service is at least familiar with Vanilla Ice, if not, you will first want to reference the below music video. In fact, even if you are familiar with Vanilla Ice, you should watch the Ice, Ice, Baby music video. Within the first five words of his hit song, Vanilla Ice lays out three simple rules to remember [...]

15 05, 2014

How To Get The Most Out Of Social Media Customer Service

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00May 15th, 2014|

Actual Comnio social media customer service representative may vary. You have a customer service-related message or issue. Don't worry, Comnio makes sharing your issue easy and effective, and our team works with you to help you get it resolved. To increase the odds of getting your customer service issue seen and responded to, we have a few suggestions. How to get the most out of social media [...]

8 05, 2014

The Dark Side Of Social Media For Customer Service

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00May 8th, 2014|

A growing number of consumers are actively using social media for customer service. As the use of social media for customer service trend continues to increase, businesses, brands, and consumers are discovering the dark side of social media customer service. One of the biggest threats to businesses, brands, and consumers trying to address and resolve customer service issues on social media is complaint theft. Other names for "complaint theft" [...]

8 05, 2014

How Social Media Is Changing Customer Service

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00May 8th, 2014|

While consumers and brands are aware of the role social media plays in advertising and marketing, some remain unaware of how social media sites, like Twitter and Facebook, are also being utilized to facilitate customer service. This growing trend is often referred to as "social media customer service" and is becoming more and more popular among consumers active on social networks. As more consumers opt to address customer service [...]

4 04, 2014

5 Ways To Improve Customer Service

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00April 4th, 2014|

Customer service failures can result in negative online reviews, customer complaints, and lost revenue, so being good at customer service is imperative to the success of any business. Customer service takes many forms, but the key to being great at serving the customer depends on how well you execute your customer service strategy. Here are five ways you can win customers and improve customer service. Listen. Customers, rather people, [...]

29 03, 2014

Free Coffee With A Side Of Customer Service

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00March 29th, 2014|

Random acts of kindness are sweet, but they're even sweeter when you are on the receiving end. Amid an afternoon of planning ways to improve customer service (using Comnio) for consumers and businesses, I decided to break for coffee. The weather is nice, so I opted to walk about three blocks to Seven Eleven. On the way, I thought of at least one way Comnio can simplify the process [...]

5 01, 2014

We Actually Do Value Customer Feedback

2017-05-18T17:06:00-05:00January 5th, 2014|

Companies constantly advertise how much they value customer feedback. Unfortunately, few actually do value customer feedback. What are upset consumers doing? Turning to social media to share their feedback, both positive and negative. Millions of Twitter, Facebook, even Instagram users use social media to share experiences, and now customer service experiences are beginning to surface. However, even on social media sites like Twitter, customer complaints often go unanswered. As [...]

27 12, 2013

America’s Most Disliked Companies

2017-05-18T17:06:00-05:00December 27th, 2013|

Customer spending accounts for 70% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in America, so treating consumers fairly and providing legendary customer service should be a top priority for every company. According to the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), customer satisfaction is a leading indicator of a company's financial performance. Shifts in customer satisfaction cause overall changes in the consumer's willingness to buy, which impacts the GDP and our economy [...]

7 12, 2013

Accept Anyone’s Coupons

2017-05-18T17:06:00-05:00December 7th, 2013|

If a new customer came into your establishment ready to make a purchase, but they had a coupon for a competitor, would you accept it? Before you answer, consider the following facts: Chances of getting a sale from a new customer are between 5 and 20% Actual sales from promotions sent to new customers are fewer than 1% Loyal customers are less price-sensitive. New customers, however, will buy based [...]