3 10, 2014

Comnio Featured On Beta List

2017-05-18T17:05:57-05:00October 3rd, 2014|

This week (and month) started off with a bang. At approximately 7 a.m. on Monday, October 1, we received an email from Marc at Beta List that began with a well-placed "BOOM SHAKALAKA." Clearly, it grabbed our attention. Marc went on to kindly inform us that Comnio was featured on Beta List! After several high-fives and hugs, we got back to the startup grind. We deployed several changes to [...]

1 10, 2014

7 Basic Principles of Good Customer Service: 3. Show Respect

2017-05-18T17:05:57-05:00October 1st, 2014|

The success of any relationship - business or otherwise - depends heavily on mutual respect. Not just verbal respect (words), but through respectful actions (because we all know actions speak louder than words). Respect is different from kindness in that it goes beyond the verbal formalities (e.g. "please" and "thank you") and extends into actions and follow through. Here are a two short excerpts from a great article about [...]

23 09, 2014

7 Basic Principles of Providing Good Customer Service: 2. Be Nice

2017-05-18T17:05:57-05:00September 23rd, 2014|

When it comes to providing good customer service, the majority of businesses and brands have left a bad taste in the mouths of consumers. Businesses and brands put more emphasis on selling to consumers than they do in helping support consumers after the sale. That after-the-sale service is what we like to refer to as "customer service." Due to the inequalities on both sides of the sale, customers have [...]

11 09, 2014

5 Quick Tips To Get The Best Customer Service

2017-05-18T17:05:57-05:00September 11th, 2014|

Comnio, your customer service concierge, is designed to help consumers get the best customer service. Our team helps you reach the right people at companies and local businesses everywhere. Also, short of sending smoke signals, Comnio employs various channels of communication. Some consumers prefer to handle customer service issues alone. Others like relying on Comnio to help circumvent the normal lines of customer service communication and reach the right [...]

10 09, 2014

7 Basic Principles of Providing Good Customer Service: 1. Listen

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00September 10th, 2014|

If this is your first time reading our customer service blog, then welcome! If not, thanks for coming back. In this blog series, 7 Basic Principles of Good Customer Service, we are going to share and explain our top seven principles of providing good customer service. Without further ado, here is #1 on our list of 7 good customer service principles. Listen One of our favorite and maybe the [...]

4 09, 2014

Inspire Trust, Receive Customer Loyalty

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00September 4th, 2014|

Trust is one of the strongest emotions you can evoke (right up there with love), so it's no surprise that good customer service – especially the kind of customer service that makes your customers trust you - can make them feel...well, loved. According to an American Express Service Study (2013), consumers who receive good customer service experience symptoms similar to when kissing, or being in love. Businesses that earn and [...]

25 08, 2014

3 Customer Service Problems Comnio Solves

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00August 25th, 2014|

Customer service as a whole is in pretty bad shape, and it's hurting our economy. In fact, bad customer service costs U.S. businesses an estimated $537,000,000,000.00 each year (that's 537 billion if you lost count of the zeros). Comnio helps consumers get better customer service by allowing them to easily publish customer service issues about any business or service provider. Comnio then shares these customer service issues with the [...]

20 08, 2014

Improving Customer Service: Comnio’s New Features

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00August 20th, 2014|

Since day one, our focus has been on improving customer service – for consumers, and for businesses and service providers. Over the summer, we changed our name to Comnio and continued our mission of delivering an easy, effective way to get better customer service. This week, we are re-launching the Comnio web application with several improvements to make getting customer service easier and faster for consumers! Here are some [...]

11 08, 2014

What Is Omnichannel Customer Service?

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00August 11th, 2014|

Customer service is all about listening to your customers; however, as more channels of customer service communication become available, listening becomes more difficult. Customers rarely recognize different customer service channels. In some cases, customers choose to initiate contact with an organization by phone or social media. Then, the same customer may continue the conversation by email or online chat. The lines between these separate customer service channels are blurred [...]

29 07, 2014

What Our Name (Comnio) Means

2014-07-29T17:15:50-05:00July 29th, 2014|

Eventually, Comnio should be synonymous with "better customer service," but for now we thought it would be nice to explain how we came up with our new name and what Comnio means. Any entrepreneur can attest to how difficult naming a company is these days. Not only do you have to secure the business name, but you have a URL and countless social profiles to think about. Then you [...]