Eventually, Comnio should be synonymous with “better customer service,” but for now we thought it would be nice to explain how we came up with our new name and what Comnio means.

Any entrepreneur can attest to how difficult naming a company is these days. Not only do you have to secure the business name, but you have a URL and countless social profiles to think about.

Then you have to compete with people who buy up domains for the sole intent of selling them for a profit. Needless to say, options are limited.

After a couple months of playing with our options, we landed on “Comnio.” Comnio isn’t Spanish or Latin for “better customer service,” but rather a derivative of two words we use to describe the Comnio platform.

Comnio is focused on simplifying customer service communication between consumers and any business or service provider. That’s the first part.

Omni-channel, or omnichannel, is a term used in communications (industry) to refer to the combination of multiple channels of communication. For instance, we use “omnichannel customer service” to describe the combined use of online, mobile, social, and several traditional methods of customer service.

So, to recap: Comnio is a combination of “communication” and “omnichannel.”

If you ever have any questions, please let us know! (See the floating question mark at the bottom-left of your screen? Click it!)