14 05, 2016

3 Important Takeaways From The 2016 Small Business Festival

2017-05-18T17:05:56-05:00May 14th, 2016|

Small businesses are important to every community and we love helping great businesses thrive — especially local businesses in Austin, Texas (where we're based). This year, we got to participate in Small Business Week in a big way. Our co-founder and CEO, Ross Clurman (the person writing this post) had the pleasure of speaking at the first ever Small Business Festival. The Small Business Festival was different than any other "conference" [...]

9 05, 2016

What My Mom Taught Me About Good Customer Service

2016-05-09T21:57:43-05:00May 9th, 2016|

Working in Customer Service for many years has taught me countless valuable lessons, but one of the most valuable is..."You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." I first heard this proverbial saying from my mother, at a very young age, when I was trying to get my little sister to clean my room. I kept threatening her with "beating her up," or taking away her favorite [...]

1 05, 2016

The Best Way To Get More Likes On Facebook

2017-05-18T17:05:56-05:00May 1st, 2016|

We're very active on social media and we've learned a lot of very important lessons about how to use social media — mostly through trying and failing. One of the things we've learned is the best way to get more likes on Facebook. Before we explain how to get more likes on Facebook, we need to establish a few things related to Facebook Page Likes. What is a Facebook [...]

29 04, 2016

How To Manage Multiple Instagram Accounts On iPhone

2017-05-18T17:05:56-05:00April 29th, 2016|

We're all about productivity hacks and we just discovered how to use the Instagram app to manage multiple accounts! This ability to manage multiple Instagram accounts on iPhone (we're not sure if this feature is available for Android) is great news for anyone managing multiple Instagram accounts (especially business owners using Instagram). Prior to this update, anyone trying to manage multiple accounts on Instagram's app would need to sign [...]

28 04, 2016

How Local Austin Businesses Can Use Favor To Deliver Better Customer Service

2016-04-28T19:19:56-05:00April 28th, 2016|

If you live in Austin, or one of the other cities Favor serves, you may have seen someone running around town in a bright blue tuxedo t-shirt. Favor is a startup that enables anyone to use their app and get anything delivered. Want a Dr. Pepper but don't have any in your fridge? Use Favor. Need some whiteout and staples, but you're buried in work? Use Favor. You get the [...]

24 04, 2016

3 Facts About Customer Service Every Business Needs To Know

2017-05-18T17:05:56-05:00April 24th, 2016|

For everyone who understands the value of great customer service, this should be a refresher. For anyone who doesn't understand the value of great customer service, please try to keep up — and feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Here are three facts about customer service every business needs to know. Anyone can provide great customer service. Great customer service is not rocket science. In fact, [...]