23 04, 2014

Fact: 20% Of Brands Suck At Social Customer Service

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00April 23rd, 2014|

Successful social customer service needs to be implemented from the top-down. Otherwise, social media customer service efforts, while meaningful, will have much less of an impact. A recent survey from Social Media Marketing University (SMMU) delved into the specifics of negative social media comments and how businesses go about dealing with social customer service, specifically complaints. The social customer service survey collected data from 1,036 marketers, social media strategists, [...]

21 04, 2014

4 Tips On How To Address Negative Online Reviews

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00April 21st, 2014|

Any business, brand, company, or service provider will eventually disappoint a customer. It's a cost of doing business, but it's exactly why a little thing called "customer service" exists. Even the best businesses receive negative feedback and online complaints, but how you respond is what separates great companies from mediocre ones. If your company is the subject of a negative online review, here's how you should respond. The first thing [...]

16 04, 2014

Sht Lst and the Heartbleed Bug

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00April 16th, 2014|

On the morning of April 8, our web development team began addressing a solution to secure the Sht Lst servers, Sht Lst users, and all online complaint data from the Heartbleed bug. If you're unfamiliar with the Heartbleed bug, please read this first. In addition to Heartbleed bug having a cool name and logo, it also poses very serious threats to our online security. About two-thirds, or 66%, of [...]

15 04, 2014

How To Handle Fake Online Reviews

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00April 15th, 2014|

Fake online reviews are a big problem. Fraudulent negative online reviews disrupt consumer behavior and can lead consumers to believing things that simply aren't true. Researchers estimate that up to one-third of online reviews are phony — many on small sites without robust fraud detection. - Boston Globe, Review websites try to thwart false customer ratings Not all hope is lost. Some online complaint websites and negative review applications have [...]

4 04, 2014

5 Ways To Improve Customer Service

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00April 4th, 2014|

Customer service failures can result in negative online reviews, customer complaints, and lost revenue, so being good at customer service is imperative to the success of any business. Customer service takes many forms, but the key to being great at serving the customer depends on how well you execute your customer service strategy. Here are five ways you can win customers and improve customer service. Listen. Customers, rather people, [...]

29 03, 2014

Free Coffee With A Side Of Customer Service

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00March 29th, 2014|

Random acts of kindness are sweet, but they're even sweeter when you are on the receiving end. Amid an afternoon of planning ways to improve customer service (using Comnio) for consumers and businesses, I decided to break for coffee. The weather is nice, so I opted to walk about three blocks to Seven Eleven. On the way, I thought of at least one way Comnio can simplify the process [...]

26 03, 2014

Are Negative Reviews Legal?

2014-03-26T23:34:53-05:00March 26th, 2014|

Comnio is designed to help hard-working consumers, businesses, and service providers communicate better. Not just for the sake of communicating, but for addressing and resolving customer service-related issues and messages. Recent news about negative reviews has some consumers worried about the legality of posting negative reviews online. Negative reviews are protected speech. Consumers have the right to express their negative opinions and views about businesses, brands, people, places, even [...]

21 03, 2014

Buyer Beware Of The Non-Disparagement Clause

2017-05-18T17:06:00-05:00March 21st, 2014|

No one reads agreements, contracts, or terms and conditions thoroughly, but consumers may unknowingly be signing away more freedoms than they think. More companies, service providers, and businesses are hiding non-disparagement clauses among the ten-point font we rarely take the time to read. What's a non-disparagement clause? Basically, a non-disparagement clauses prevents consumers from writing negative reviews, or complaining about the business, brand, or service provider – regardless of [...]

21 03, 2014

Complaint Resolution Company, Sht Lst, Debuts App During SXSW

2017-05-18T17:06:00-05:00March 21st, 2014|

The Sht Lst application is the easiest way for consumers to publish, share, amplify and resolve complaints. SXSW marked the Austin-based startup’s first public appearance since releasing the beta version of its proprietary web application in January. AUSTIN, Texas (March 21, 2014) – Austin’s annual South-by-Southwest Interactive Festival attracts entrepreneurs from all over the world – and several from its own backyard. Sht Lst, an Austin-based startup, introduced its [...]

14 03, 2014

5-Second Rule: Fact or Fiction?

2017-05-18T17:06:00-05:00March 14th, 2014|

Common sense would suggest the longer food sits on the floor, the more likely it is to accumulate bacteria, but does science support our intuition? In short, yes, it does. Anthony Hilton, a professor of Microbiology, recently conducted a study to test the five-second rule. He and his students tested how much bacteria different foods attract when they come in contact with various types of flooring. They conducted the [...]