18 03, 2015

Comnio Application Updates – SXSW 2015 Edition

2017-05-18T17:05:57-05:00March 18th, 2015|

If you're in Austin for SXSW 2015, you might run into some of our street crew out working the crowds. If not, keep your eyes open for Comnio's SXSW 2015 marketing team. Even if you don't see us during the SXSW 2015 madness, you may see evidence of us being out and about! We're leaving some marketing collateral randomly scattered throughout downtown Austin's various SXSW "districts" or hubs, thanks [...]

7 10, 2014

Help Comnio Improve The Customer Service Experience

2017-05-18T17:05:57-05:00October 7th, 2014|

Comnio's mobile application is designed to help consumers get superior customer service from virtually any business or service provider. Before going live, we want to get real user feedback to ensure the best customer service experience and best experience for our mobile app users. To gather feedback about the Comnio mobile application, we're turning to our community. The Comnio Beta Program will help us improve the customer service experience [...]

25 08, 2014

3 Customer Service Problems Comnio Solves

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00August 25th, 2014|

Customer service as a whole is in pretty bad shape, and it's hurting our economy. In fact, bad customer service costs U.S. businesses an estimated $537,000,000,000.00 each year (that's 537 billion if you lost count of the zeros). Comnio helps consumers get better customer service by allowing them to easily publish customer service issues about any business or service provider. Comnio then shares these customer service issues with the [...]

20 08, 2014

Improving Customer Service: Comnio’s New Features

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00August 20th, 2014|

Since day one, our focus has been on improving customer service – for consumers, and for businesses and service providers. Over the summer, we changed our name to Comnio and continued our mission of delivering an easy, effective way to get better customer service. This week, we are re-launching the Comnio web application with several improvements to make getting customer service easier and faster for consumers! Here are some [...]

15 05, 2014

How To Get The Most Out Of Social Media Customer Service

2017-05-18T17:05:58-05:00May 15th, 2014|

Actual Comnio social media customer service representative may vary. You have a customer service-related message or issue. Don't worry, Comnio makes sharing your issue easy and effective, and our team works with you to help you get it resolved. To increase the odds of getting your customer service issue seen and responded to, we have a few suggestions. How to get the most out of social media [...]