20 01, 2018

12 Things We Learned In 2017

2018-01-22T19:23:56-06:00January 20th, 2018|

These past twelve months have been challenging, exciting, and humbling... We set aggressive sales and marketing goals and even achieved some of them; We expanded our footprint into new markets and welcomed a few new teammates; We tested several hypotheses in our business plan, marketing strategy, and how we work. In short, we learned a lot. Here are some important things we learned last year... 1. Good customer [...]

9 11, 2017

4 Reasons Small Businesses Should Outsource Their Marketing

2017-11-24T12:57:16-06:00November 9th, 2017|

You've heard the saying "Time is Money” and we're willing to bet that for your small business this saying is not only heard, but also understood. There are a lot of moving parts in owning and operating a business, with marketing being one of them. Marketing is ever-changing and constantly evolving, and executing marketing is time-consuming. Juggling the management of your business’s marketing strategy and execution alongside running [...]