Our social media policy at COMNIO is simple. We share what we like and talk very little about ourselves.

Like you, we didn’t join Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. so every business and brand in the world could advertise to us. We’re here to increase customer engagement rates on social media. In order to increase customer engagement on social media, you should share more of what your audience likes (and less of what they don’t like).

Just like anyone, your friends, fans, and followers want to be amused, entertained — even taught something new. As I mentioned, we want to create and maintain meaningful connections with people (our customers, your customers, and the public) so we can share what we know and hopefully make you/them happier. If we generate a lead or two from engaging our fans, great. If not, no worries — we didn’t join social media to sell/market to our fans.

For us, social media is about engaging with people. In order to increase customer engagement on social media, the first thing we need to do is understand what your audience likes (and what your audience doesn’t like).

How do you figure out what your fans/followers like and don’t like? You listen. Your social audience can tell you (either directly or indirectly) what they like and what they don’t like. Directly, your friends/fans/followers may give you a thumbs-up (or comment “I don’t like this”).

Indirectly, you can actually monitor the reach and engagement rates of your posts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If you don’t know how, ask us and we’ll gladly show you how to monitor customer engagement rates on social media!

When we share “stuff” on social media, we pay attention to how our audience (our friends, fans, and followers) react.

How do you calculate your engagement rate?

Your engagement rate is how often someone took an action on your shared content expressed as a percentage of the total number of times that item was seen (also known as “impressions”). In other words you would divide total impressions by the total number of actions, and this would give you your social media engagement rate.

If something you post on Facebook had 1 action out of 1,000 impressions your social media engagement rate (for that particular Facebook post) is: 1/1,000 or .1%.

FYI, .1% is a very poor engagement rate.

Socrates’ Test of Three can be applied to sharing anything (online or offline) but we apply it to what we share on social media. If we find something interesting or fun, and we think it’s something our social audience will like, we apply it to Socrates’ Test of Three. If it passes, we’ll consider it. If not, we don’t consider it.

Socrates’ Test of Three

  1. Is it true?
  2. Is it good?
  3. Is it useful?

The last question is very broad. Because a video of a dancing puppy is useful if you’re trying to make your audience happier, but it’s not useful if you’re trying to teach your audience about increasing their engagement rates on social media.

How do you increase customer engagement on social media?

Pay attention to your audience, watch your social media metrics (impressions and actions) and share more of what your audience likes (and less of what they don’t).

If you have any questions about how you can increase your engagement rates on social media, please contact us and let us know!

Thanks for your time and attention.