Trust is one of the strongest emotions you can evoke (right up there with love), so it’s no surprise that good customer service – especially the kind of customer service that makes your customers trust you – can make them feel…well, loved.
According to an American Express Service Study (2013), consumers who receive good customer service experience symptoms similar to when kissing, or being in love.
Businesses that earn and keep the trust of their customers, increase customer loyalty. But why?
If consumers trust your brand, then they know if something goes wrong with your product or service, they can trust your customer service team (and your company) to make it right. Hence, trust impacts customer loyalty.
Companies that understand the keys to good customer service, like Amazon, Starbucks, Zappos, American Express, and more are well aware of the correlation between trust and customer loyalty. That’s why so many consumers literally say, “I love company name.”
Do your customers love you?
If your business or brand is trying to increase customer loyalty, it’s important to focus on delivering good customer service (from the top, down) and building long-lasting, honest relationships with your customers. If customers don’t trust you, then a long-term relationship with your business or brand is doomed.
Act as if you’re trying to get your customers to fall in love with you.
Here are some other interesting customer service facts from the American Express Service Study.

image via Herald Sun