Anyone familiar with the term “shit list” has an idea of what a shit list is. Our idea may be different than yours, so we decided to share.

Our version of a shit list – Sht Lst – is a list containing complaints. These complaints may be either permanent or temporary entries on your Sht Lst, though we prefer the latter.

A complaint is made up of two parts:

  1. a noun (person, place, or thing) you dislike, and
  2. the details about why you dislike the noun.

The idea behind adding complaints to your Sht Lst is to share and resolve them. Hence, our tagline: “Resolve complaints.”

When you add a complaint to your Sht Lst, our application notifies the noun (i.e. the subject of your complaint) and your friends, followers, and fans through connected social networks (e.g. Facebook and Twitter).

Essentially, these people may serve as mediators – helping you (the complainant) and the noun (the subject of your complaint) seek a resolution.

Complaints are listed as “open” until they are resolved. Once a complaint is resolved, it is “closed” and basically off your Sht Lst.

Sht Lst is not about negativity or hate. The goal of Sht Lst is to improve the world in which we live.

It’s a lofty goal, but one we’re determined to achieve.