thanksgiving customer service

We’re going to step away from our normal customer service blog posts and share something we’re passionate about – giving thanks.

Thanksgiving is a wonderful excuse to celebrate everything for which you are thankful. Sometimes, it is easy to lose sight of small things in life to be thankful for, like spending time with friends and family.

Take a moment (or two) today and think about all the things in life you are thankful for, then share them. Tell family and friends you’re thankful for their love and support, and show your thanks to colleagues and customer service reps (be kind and patient – they’ll have a stressful next few days).

Here are some things we’re thankful for this Thanksgiving (and every other day of the year)!

  • Every single profile who has followed, liked, and favorited us on social media
  • Every single visit to our website and customer service blog
  • Every single user who has signed up for our customer service concierge service
  • Every single consumer who has shared a customer service issue with us
  • Every single person we have helped get better customer service

Thank you to each and every one of you. Your support, sharing, and feedback has made this year extremely rewarding.

With love and gratitude,